In July of 2016 Dublin, Raisin and I headed out on our first road trip. Our ultimate goal was to dip their paws in the Atlantic Ocean. I had planned to do this in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. However, as the journey is more beautiful than the destination, my plan was to visit New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. We left July 3rd. And, of course, what is a road trip without snacks

The plan was to do a couple of days of camping to try out some trails and beaches. Then we would book into a hotel to experience a city. The problem I found with Quebec is they limit where dogs can camp. There are only a few campgrounds that allow dogs and in these, there are only certain spots to book. I decided I would drive right through to Quebec City. I needed a resting spot along the way. Decided on Cornwall so we could get our first glimpse of the St. Lawrence River.

Cornwall has a large, waterfront park. It is part of the 2,100 Km waterfront trail that connects the Great Lakes to the Quebec border.

The trail takes you through the museums and attractions like the Sports Hall of Fame.

Going east there is Gray’s Creek Conservation area and west is a series of islands created by the construction of the Seaway.

We walked around for a bit but generally sat and watched the river. It was a perfect activity to shake off the driving stiffness.

Soon it was time to get back on the road. However, I made a note to come back to Cornwall and spend more time on the Waterfront trail.