We were all set to get an early start to our canoe paddle. I got everyone settled as it was only a 10 minute drive from the campsite. Pushed the brake pedal, pushed the Start button and….nothing. Once again I had to call roadside assistance to get a boost. Fortunately the guy was in Alma so he was there in 20 minutes. This was the third time it happened. I told him where I was going and I may need to have him come again.
We were second in line so I started to put the PFDs on the girls. The staff were delighted. Once we were all settled I got her to snap a pic.

I had not had 3 pugs in a canoe. No one wanted to be in the front – all wanted to be by my side. I took a few turns around the dock to get the feel and balance.
It was hard to adjust them while on the water. It seemed to work with them all in a line. At one point I had Raisin on one side, Greta on the other and Eve in the middle. Eve was nervous and move from one side to another and I had to adjust the paddling. Eventually she settled down.

I had a waterproof bag to protect the camera. I decided to try doing a video through it. Seemed to work. I then put the strap around my neck, let the bag hang while I paddled. Didn’t know what it would look like but it captured the moment.
It was a very soothing hour and a half paddle. I’m happy to report that the car started. Still, I had to do something about it. I drove into Alma to pick up some supplies. I was in the general store and a guy said “did your car start?” I looked over and it was the mechanic who had boosted my car. I jokingly said yes, but stick around in case I need another boost. Funny enough, he did. Hospitality at its finest.

Lunch was the peppered smoke salmon on Kelly’s bun rolls. I figured I would call Budget and ask them to replace the car. It was quite an ordeal as I got bounced around from India to the USA. I even called the Toronto number of the office I rented from. Nobody answered but transferred me to the International Centre. Finally called the Budget rental in Fredericton, explained the situation and asked if I could get another car. She readily agreed and booked me a car for Friday pickup.
Meanwhile, someone was having a very restful sleep after a hard morning of sitting in a canoe.

After I got the car sorted. I got the fire going. Read for awhile – I’ve got 2 books – The Subtle Knife – 2nd part of the His Dark Materials trilogy. And Anthony Bourdain’s Medium Raw. For some reason, Raisin shifted to falling asleep on the plastic bag the wood came in. Eve was already asleep in the tent. She prefers to snuggle into the sleeping bag early. Greta is by my foot, as always.

Tomorrow we go hiking on a trail with “scenic ocean views”.
Raisin seems to be up for anything her Daddy wants to do. Eve was the look out. I’ll bet all of this is very exciting for Greta. They are three very lucky girls.
Best thing I’ve seen the girls in the canoe. Great adventure so far sounds like your having a blast apart from the car nonsense