Headed to the Nova Scotia art gallery to see the Maude Lewis exhibit. Earlier, on the waterfront, I managed to get into a Maude Lewis painting.

The Maude Lewis gallery is a permanent exhibition. I was here for about an hour then toured the other parts of the gallery.

Maud and her husband Everett’s tiny house. Saved from deterioration first by a dedicated group of volunteers and then the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. It is truly a work of art as Maude painted almost every surface.

The door to the house.

The public was not allowed into the house but I managed to get some interiors shots through the windows.

A photo hanging next to the house showing how the interior was actually used.

Right across the street from the art gallery is Province House – the provincial legislature. I had to show ID, have my bag and body scanned because there are working politicians in the building. They were celebrating their 200th anniversary.

A Fish door handle, signifies the fishing heritage of Nova Scotia.

The official pardon for Viola Desmond from her conviction when she bought a ticket for, and sat in the white’s section of a theatre.

Queen Victoria’s handkerchief. She left it behind when she came to visit. You just never know what you are going to find in a government building.

The Gothic Legislative Library.

The top area was out of bounds. But the librarian was happy to take my picture by the staircase. Being past tourist season, I was her first visitor of the day.

The two throne chairs used by visiting kings and queens. The chair on the left was built in 1860 and has the Crown of St. Edward. On the right, 1939 and has the Imperial crown.

This is the Legislative Assembly room. I tried to get a photo with no people but they were setting up for session. So the Speaker’s chair was the only area I could get.

That was the morning. I’ll post the afternoon and evening in part 3.