From Saskatoon, SK to Lundar Beach Provincial Park, Lake Manitoba, MB.
It was a long drive but mostly straight, flat roads at cruising speed. Little traffic and beautiful sunny day. I had looked for a remote beach campsite and found a perfect one on the east side of Lake Manitoba. Managed to go for a dip in the lake. We sat on the beach, had a beach campfire, drank wine and watched the sunset. The driving music today was Johnny Cash – the Rick Rubin sessions.
Also, today is my birthday. Couldn’t have asked for a better day.
The Prairies – with pugs. Just outside of Yorkton, SK. We left Saskatoon and 7 am and got to Lake Manitoba at 4 pm. That was with the added hour for the time zone change. Had to get a picture of the land. No one else on the road.

Lundar Beach campground, the office was closed, even though it was only 4. My name and campsite number was posted. This was it. Obviously hasn’t been used in years.

However, there were 3 huge, really nice ones, unoccupied, just down the road. So I grabbed this one which had shade and a path to the beach.

After setting up the tent we went down to check out the beach. Later, I put my swimsuit on and went into the water. Raisin tried to follow me in and got as far as the water to her chest. I came back, sat in the water so she and Eve could be in the water next to me (didn’t bring my camera in case I got it wet). The water was as warm as soup. The pugs were happy.

Then I went and got their PFDs out of the car. Time for a pug swim.
After we dried off on the blanket and watched the water, waves and sky.

There was a nature trail with a lookout onto the area. It was a marsh but we didn’t go on the trail because of the mosquitos.

After the walk we had turkey burgers and crunchy coleslaw. Eve and Raisin got their kibble earlier but had some turkey with me.

We went back to the beach to watch the sunset. I built a campfire and settled in. Someone had setup the circle of rocks previously.

There was a flowering plant in front of the beach campfire. It was the only one on the beach. Don’t know if the circle of rock came first or the plant.

Getting close to sunset on the beach but I was getting sleepy. Pugs were snoring away beside me.

The final photo before heading off to bed.